Archivi categoria : Biblioteca

China – a Step by Step Cookbook

INTRODUZIONE Chinese cuisine is a myriad of colours and flavours. Spiritual, philosophical and symbolic value is attached to each ingredient in every dish, whether it is a simple, steaming pot of rice porridge, or an elaborately prepared seafood dish. Sweet, salty, spicy or sour flavours are employed purposefully, in relation to and in accordance with…
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Stir Frying

INTRODUZIONE I consider stir-frying a form of culinary magic in which ingredients are transformed. Their textures are enhanced, their flavors intensified and caramelized. The alchemy of stir-frying brings a blush of color to raw shrimp and a radiance to vegetables. Meats grow plump and fragrant from browning. The stir-fry dish brings food to life. I…
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Fast Food

INTRODUZIONE Enough is enough. Chinese food doesn’t get the recognition it rightly deserves in the Western world. French, Japanese, even Korean cuisine all receive high praise from food critics in the press, but Chinese food remains underappreciated. Chinese cuisine can be just as complex or as basic as any other cuisine. It has so much…
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The Every Grain of Rice

INTRODUZIONE The Chinese know, perhaps better than anyone else, how to eat. I'm not talking here about their exquisite haute cuisine, or their ancient tradition of gastronomy. I’m talking about the ability of ordinary Chinese home cooks to transform humble and largely vegetarian ingredients into wonderful delicacies, and to eat in a way that not…
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Chinese Kitchen

INTRODUZIONE In Chinese cooking, every ingredient and dish is imbued with its own brilliance and lore. When I was a young girl growing up in a traditional Chinese home in San Francisco, this knowledge was passed on to me through a lifetime of meals, conversations, celebrations, and rituals. I felt every food we ate in…
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Introduction A few words with Mr Peng hefs often talk about where they’ve come from, where they’ve been, what kitchens they’ve worked in and who they’ve worked with. If you asked me what inspired me to start cooking, I honestly don’t know. From when I was fourteen years old, I knew that I wanted to…
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Exploring China

CHING HE HUANG - Introduction It was wonderful being in China again, visiting familiar and unfamiliar places - and tasting some wonderful food. Travelling the length and breadth of the country with Ken and the film crew, I realised just how vast China is; it could swallow Europe, and some of its cities boast as…
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WOK e Fritture

INTRODUZIONE Introduzione Uno dei metodi più veloci, facili e versatili per cucinare è il wok. Occorrono solo pochi minuti per riunire gli ingredienti - una scelta di verdure a cui possono essere aggiunti carne, pesce, molluschi, formaggio vegetale, noci, riso o noodle. Esistono infinite possibilità per creare varianti utilizzando diversi tipi di oli, condimenti e…
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Shanghai Food and Cooking

di Terry Tan LA CUCINA The vibrant and modern city of Shanghai, situated on the Yangtze estuary, has spread its culinary culture well into the eastern provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and even further south into Fujian. It is a municipality with provincial status and much influence, and is blessed by being located in an extremely fertile…
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